

Nuetralize offensive odors with our biodegradable, non-toxic, natural granules wherever needed. Pleasant, fresh scent.  Indoors – sprinkle in the bottom of waste receptacles, diaper pails or pet waste disposal containers.  Outdoors use 1-2 lbs around dumpsters for the proven effect to deter flies, mosquitoes and bees. Use in ashtrays to snuff out butts and odors. Our ashtray #BS-2 as shown below holds approximately 1 lb.

OUR BEST TESTIMONIAL – An employee’s car trunk had gas leak from a chainsaw. A sandwich-size plastic bag filled with granules TOTALLY absorbed the gasoline smell.

Non-flammable and keeps surrounding areas smelling fresh.  Lasts up to 30 days.  Color fades and scent is gone when it is time to refresh.


Additional information


8 lb Jug, Case of (2) 8 lb Jug, 60 lb Drum

Availability: In Stock

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