ROPE FLOATS for 3/8″



Poly floats for pools, lakes, and ponds. Three independant compartments for extended life and float-ability. White center compartment and colored ends as shown. Colored ends twist on rope to lock in position and reduce rope wear. UV inhibited. 3″x5″ each. Designed for 3/8″ rope.

Priced per kit of 12 floats. “X” in the product code denotes your color choice. Choose your color from the drop down menu.

Do you need to replace your rope?  See our twisted polypropylene ropes, UV inhibited specifically for pools and lakes.

Additional information


#FLR-108 Red/White/Red, #FLB-108 Blue/White/Blue, #FLO-108 Orange/White/Orange

Availability: In Stock

Prod. Code: FL"X"-108 Categories ,